Cylinder regeneration
TRANSEC Global Shipping cylinders to the UK from other region can be long and costly. TR.ELECTRIC has setup several regional regeneration workshops with our authorized partners locations worldwide. Please contact us to find your closest regeneration workshop.
In the United Kingdom, TR.ELECTRIC Services team can directly dispatch to site, swap cylinders with new ones and return the saturated cylinders to TRANSEC HQ, Haverhill for regeneration. Alternatively, with 1 days regeneration training, the client/TRANSEC users can also remove the saturated cylinders themselves and ship them to the TR.ELECTRIC HQ Haverhill for regeneration.
For all regeneration services, a TRE Report will be provided showing the amount of water extracted for each cylinder
Part No
TR.SR.REGE.Ux.WW when Uninhibited oil is required (x is 1 to 4 depending of the required cylinders)
Part No
TR.SR.REGE.Ix.WW when Inhibited oil is required (x is 1 to 4 depending of the required cylinders)
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